There’s an uneasy and unrest among the constituency executives of NPP Mpohor Constituency in the western region. It comes as a result of how most of the executives see the performance of the current member of parliament, Hon. Alex Kofi Agyekum.

The performance of the honorable member of parliament has been a subject of discussions among the party faithfuls in the constituency. Those calling for a change are of the view that the party is likely to loose the seat if the current MP is allowed to contest again.

Other executives are also seriously doing the bidding of the current member of parliament, the reasons for doing this is best known to them. This has brought tensions among the executive body of the party in the constituency.

This development has made most of the constituency executives come publicly to even campaign for their preferred candidates. This division is actually getting to its incurable state because it has trickled down to the polling station executives and the party members as well.

It will be proper if the NEC activate the research mechanism on Mpohor Constituency for the prevalence of sanity among the executives in Mpohor Constituency. The power play and selective judgment is the order of the day in the constituency..

This disturbing development, if it’s not curbed in this early stages, will definitely affect the electoral fortunes of the party since some party members have already threatened to vote “skirt and blouse”.

“Mafiarism” is the strategy most of the people in the helm of affairs are engaging to prevent certain people from contributing their quota to the development of party. The regional and national executives, as a matter of urgency must look into this serious issue which has the tendency to break the party apart.

The leadership of the party in the Mpohor Constituency should know that we have a power to sustain and a seat to retain. The selfish interest among the party hierarchy in the constituency is a great factor for this disturbing circumstances. The hostility must be erased. Let’s welcome everybody on board to build a political dynasty in the constituency.

You matter, I matter, everyone matters.

The party can’t afford to fail the people of Mpohor Constituency because of selfish interest of certain people.


Mpohor Constituency New Patriotic Party (NPP) will experience in its first time parliamentary primaries election since it was carved out from then Mpohor Wassa East Constituency. The party people in this constituency are very intelligent and strategic that in order to gain grounds in the newly created constituency, nobody was allowed to contest the then and now MP in the constituency.

This decision in itself wasn’t bad though but it has had negative effects on the party in terms of leadership and performance in the constituency. The constituency has not tasted any benefits of internal competition before as a result of this decision.From all indications, the story is now different as compared to 2015. The writings and signs are clear that there’s going to be a keen competition in the upcoming parliamentary primaries.

The party activists are entreated to embrace this as a way of strengthening the leadership and erasing any self centered style of leadership in the constituency.In reality, this seemingly competition is bearing fruits in the constituency in the area of job for the youth, accountability and development from the party leadership.

NPP can’t afford to fail the constituency hence it’s much prudent to field a someone who is development oriented and has a strong human relationship.It’s obvious certain characters will try to influence the process with goodies but the delegates must be resolute to decide who’s best fit to lead the elephant fraternity in the constituency.

Choosing a competent person to lead the party in 2020 general election is the first stage to protecting and safeguarding the seat.Let’s engage in practical intelligence rather than theoretical rhetoric to developing the constituency because that’s what the people need. This is the time people with special interests will feed you with sugar coated words just to sympathize with them.

Sympathy has started begging to find favour in the eyes of the delegates and this is a dangerous thing if the delegates fall for this.Differentiating between the reality and rhetoric will help choose a true leader to lead the constituency for the battle ahead of us. The party delegates in the constituency have never disappointed in choosing a good leader to lead them and this one won’t be exclusive.

Long live Mpohor Constituency NPP

Long live Ghana


The fight against illegal mining, popularly known as galamsey in Mpohor District is seen to becoming herculean task due to the involvement of some political and traditional leaders. To most people closer to the leaders in the district, both political and traditional leaders, it’s not surprising this menace is still happening in the district.

The leaders are actually involve in this activity hence their failure to end this environmental and life threatening menace . It’s observed that the operation vanguard team are normally called upon whenever there’s an issue involving any leader concerning this activity. It’s done just to cover up their unpardonable involvement in this treacherous work.

And the operation by the operation vanguard taskforce in the district on 30th July, 2019 is not different from their usual tactics to sway the authorities . There was an issue that involves one of the political leaders which claimed of him taking 30gh from the small scale miners for a registration which was supposed to be free. It’s believed that this case is been investigated by the BNI.

When the authorities in the Mpohor District Assembly(MDA) was questioned, the explanation given was that, the NPP constituency executives needed money to run the party that was why the 30gh was collected from the registrants. Our checks from the NPP constituency secretariat indicated that nothing of that sort has happened. Nobody can use the great NPP for his or her selfish gains. We respectfully entreat the national security to treat this issue with the urgency it deserves.

The operation of the operation vanguard is to most people a calculated plan by the said leader to cover up that case. This has led to the arrest of innocent people and subsequently sacrificing for the deeds of that leader. For sometime now, the political leaders, government appointees and some traditional leaders have been fingered in this illegal mining.

Some of the galamsey operators have accused most of them for extortion in number of times. The national security and BNI need to investigate this matter seriously because it’s getting out of control how this activity is done in the district. All the known rivers have been polluted through the activities of the illegal miners. The almighty RIVER Buture which serves both Mpohor Constituency and Ahanta West constituency is gradually losing its relevance for its domestic usage as the main source of water for thousands of people in these districts.

As a matter of urgency, the national security needs to take up this matter and investigate both the political and traditional leaders purported to be involved in this menace and appropriate sanction meted out to them.

Innocent people can’t in any be sacrificed for the deeds of those who supposed to know better. Heads must roll for the illegal mining in the Mpohor Constituency. The leaders in the constituency must be thoroughly investigated by the national security so that the president’s aim of sanitizing the small scale mining industry can be actualized in the Mpohor district.


The race of the New Patriotic Party(NPP) parliamentary candidacy and its subsequent to the parliament has just started. And Strategically, this race is starting from the orphan constituencies because the party is ready to parent these constituencies. Aside these constituencies been the strongholds of the NDC, most of the candidates we presented to the constituents had negatives on them and their marketability was of much concern too.

The delegates have never disappointed before when it comes to the selection of who they want to lead them. But this time round the delegates are entreated to do more so that the job will be easier for the party in next year’s elections. The grassroots agitation of our party members are as a result of ineffectiveness of most of our members of parliament(MP). This became more evidence when the political science department of the University of Ghana released their research on the performance of the members of parliament. Why must opposition MPs perform well than MPs in power?

The loyalty and commitment to the party should guide and guard us in order to choose competent and marketable individuals who can give the party a massive victory in 2020 general elections. The decision of the delegates in the upcoming parliamentary primaries will have a greater effect on the 2020 elections. We should be weary of candidates who will monetize the process. The conscience of the delegates can’t be bought but it’s also prudent to be of much concern about those people.

As it’s been said all the time, NPP can’t let Ghanaians down since it’s the only party that has the track record of development and always bring policies that change the lives of the ordinary people. This is the best way of protecting and defending the party and making sure it retains power in 2020 and beyond. What’s worrying about most of our MPs is negligence and disrespectful to the party footsoldiers. Some of them have also arrogated themselves to thin gods, they have refused to listen to their constituency officers. This attitude of our honorable MPs is making the work difficult at the constituency level.

The party can’t afford to loose most of its seats. We are targeting 200 seats in parliament and so it’s proper we present unifiers and competent personalities to help achieve this target. Some of our members of parliament are actually doing a wonderful job. They are really helping H.E Nana Addo to developing the country at a faster rate, however, some are not contributing anything meaningful to the course of this. And those ones must be shown the exit. They should be substituted with serious people.

Agenda 200 seats in parliament is achievable if the delegates select competent, humility and respect over money and arrogant. New Patriotic Party (NPP) has come to power for good and it beholds on us to cement this position by choosing good persons in the upcoming primaries.


The only constituency which hasn’t got a single tarred road is the Mpohor Constituency in the western region. This orphan constituency was carved out of then Mpohor Wassa East constituency in the year 2012. The Constituency has been loyal and committed to the New Patriotic Party in terms of voting due to the fact that one of the founding fathers of the party in the person of late Stephen Kraikue comes from this constituency.

His Excellency the president of the republic , Nana Addo has a strong love for this constituency and the man Stephen Kraikue who contributed so much to the establishment of this great party, and view of this he came to the district capital to cut sod for the construction of the road last year 18th June, 2018. The contract which was awarded to JPP CONSTRUCTION LTD and it was given 18 months to complete the phase 1, the contractor is yet to move to the site to start work. This attitude of the contractor is gradually vindicating the discourse of the NDC members in the constituency that the sod- cutting was nothing but a hoax. This stretch road is the only major road into the district and it links Ahanta West Constituency to the Mpohor Constituency. Commercial drivers don’t see any change in their lives since they use all the money they get to fixing their car parts due to the bad nature of the road.

As we speak now, nothing has been done on the road. Is it that someone is not doing his work well or the contractor has no respect for our hardworking president? The people who are mostly NPP members believe strongly that the government is been sabotaged as far as this road is concern. We humbly draw the attention of the road minister and the president on this serious matter. The constituents are yet to know what’s keeping the contractor for not coming to site. Lack of seriousness on part of the contractor and all those matters are making the government unpopular in its own backyard.

Cardiovascular diseases are common among the people in the constituency due to the dusty nature of the road. Farming produce are left to rot in every harvest period because the road isn’t motorable to send them to the market centers. Tankers of Benso Oil Palm Plantation(BOPP), a company which contribute so much in terms of taxes get fall off and sometimes stuck along the road during the rainy season. And this is causing the company a lot of revenue fall.

The disappointment of the people with the state of this road saddens many who mean well for this government. The euphoria in which they met with the sod cutting hasn’t been the same with the execution of the project. We respectfully call for a change of contractor. We believe that the only way the party can honor the late Stephen Kraikue (founding father of the NPP) and the people of Mpohor Constituency who have always been there for the party is by way of getting their dusty road fixed.

The government led by H.E Nana Addo is known to be a listening government and we believe that the cry of Mpohor Constituency will also be heard by this government. The political leadership of the district and JPP CONSTRUCTION LTD have not been fair to the president and the people of Mpohor Constituency because they are seeing little efforts from them. We believe our president is going to give a listening ear and attention to this our plight as he gave to the LekMa road.

The only thing that can erase the erroneous impression about this sod cutting is to seeing our major road from Kejebril to Adum Banso through Mpohor to Benso been fixed.


There is a historical evidence that shows members of parliament contribute to the electoral fortunes of political parties. The popularity of any political party at the grassroots level rests on the shoulders of its MPs. Basically, elections are won at the grassroots so if MP is underperforming at that level, then it’s automatically going to affect the party as well.

As far as most of the Ghanaians are concerned, the central government has performed exceptionally well, it’s the members of parliament(MP) whose abysmal performance is soiling the white name of the government. The New Patriotic Party has always been a party for people of all walks of life and we can’t afford to leave them in the middle of the road because of some MPs’ incompetency.

The party delegates have always been impressive as far as choosing their leaders is concern and the impending parliamentary primaries wouldn’t be an exception. They will definitely choose people who will help our president H.E Nana Addo to secure a resounding victory come 2020.

The delegates are entreated to vote out everyone who has shown gross incompetence, arrogance and selfishness in the primaries. Anything that will impede our victory should be cleared out of the way before next year’s general elections.

The party should be first in our decision making as we enter into the period of selecting the parliamentary candidates for the general elections. In times like this, most of the failed MPs will try to monetize the process but we need to stand firm and defend and consider the party and Ghana first. If this is done, it will definitely inure to the benefit of the party. Let’s be patriotic enough like our president and save the party from these self-seeking MPs.

We owe the party a duty to protect it and help retain the power so that H.E the president Nana Addo and the NPP can take the country to the promise land.

The best way to retain power and protect the party is by way of showing all non performing MPs the exit in the parliamentary primaries.


The vibrant youth of the great New Patriotic Party(NPP) don’t have short memories as some of the underperforming appointees, especially the MMDCES might have thought.They remember how they toiled to get the party to this place.

NPP youth aren’t cowards but they respect the law because the party and the leader who is the president is an epitome of democracy and rule of law. And in view of this, some of the appointees are taking it to be the weakness of the youth.

Looking at how things are unfolding now, it’s about time the youth of the party did what’s needful. Within this two and half years that the party has been in power, major developments have taken place in every sector of the economy. The behavior of the appointees has overshadowed these achievements hence giving our political opponents the temerity to through out undeserved missiles at the party.

The records and achievements of this administration led by the president Nana Akufo Addo is incomparable as far as the management of the economy and developments are concern. Why then the members are agitating everywhere. The answer is simple, the government appointees are not treating them fairly at the district level. The hostility is becoming annoying.

The youth are entreated to use any legal means to make sure any appointee who has performed abysmally is reshuffled as early as possible. Their postures are in sharp contrast with that of the president. The neglect of the party footsoldiers by these arrogant, unfortunate appointees is alarming.

Opposition is not the portion of the party and it’s prudent the youth rise against any recipe which will spice up the grounds for the party to be propelled into opposition. The party isn’t prepared and can’t afford to lose the next election. The people of Ghana won’t forgive the NPP if it loses the election because NPP is the only party which can develop this country.

The party have men with integrity and for that matter the youth won’t sit aloof for any individuals to give the party problems going into the next year’s elections. The only solution for this unfortunate attitudes of these insensitive appointees is early reshuffling before they cause incurable damages to the party.



It’s shocking most of the government appointees are insensitive to the people and the president as well. They are deliberately refusing to dance to the tune of the same music as the president.

The actions and inactions of these appointees are weakening the base of the party. Their postures are the factors for which the grassroots are agitating. Most of these appointees are simply opportunists and didn’t contribute meaningfully to the fortunes of the party.

It’s unfortunate they see criticisms from the grassroots especially, the party members as insults but rather pay much to the members from the opposition parties. Winning a political power from opposition position is easier than maintaining it as an incumbent.

This government has done extremely well but the attitudes of some appointees don’t depict this achievements of the government. The spontaneous growth of arrogance and hostility towards the party members is unacceptable development that the authorities should be concern with.

It’s observed that the NDC is never a threat to the party in next year’s elections. Our people in various positions must assess themselves before any eventuality befalls on the party . They are gradually sending the party into opposition.

Reshuffling is very important at this critical moment in order to place and secure the party for the next year’s election and right the wrong done by these self-seeking appointees. Truly, we have the men so these arrogant and underperforming batch should be shown the exit for those who are hungry to serve the people and country to take over.

We can’t afford to loose power because of some people’s self seeking and behavior. Reshuffling is the only remedy to this malady.



The citizenry are giving the political actors undue freedom and unnecessary democratic space to operate within the lens of mediocrity. Politics should drive home developments. Politics as a social science should be able to help solve the numerous societal problems that the society is bedeviled with, however, the style of politics been practiced in this era rather complicate and compound the problems that the society is already facing.

The underdevelopment of the various communities within certain catchment area can partly be attributed to the lack of zeal on part of the people to hold the political leaders accountable. The elected and appointed leaders are regarded as the agents of developments but as smart as they are, start to play on the intelligence of the citizens by resorting to mediocrity to lure them into thinking that they are their saviours for development.

It can be seen that there’s a natural deviation from their mandates to catalyzing for rapid development. The era of giving out coins and 5kg weight of rice to the people during the day of accountability and judgement to meander their way through to the leadership should be a history.

These politicians always see critics as enemies. They are comfortable dealing with sycophants and unleashing financial atrocities with their partners in crime on the innocent souls in the society. It’s about time the electorates reminded the leadership of their core responsibilities as being agents of developments.


Whether it’s taken or not, the political leaders and actors are the responsible for the societal predicaments in the area of underdevelopment the society finds itself.

It’s advised that the society engages people who have appetite to developing humanity and society to involve actively in the mainstream politics. Let’s encourage and help those who aren’t self seekers but rather development oriented and propel them to climb the political leadership ladder.

Political leader should not be an alien to development and enemy group success. The society can only develop if the citizenry hold the political leaders accountable and see politics as a very important tool for development.

Politics is a serious enterprise for development and the actors should stop playing mediocre in this arena. Giving out goodies and pesewa can’t be a panacea to the societal problems. The solution is putting people who have exhibited high level of patriotism and development loving personalities into political leadership positions.